Kupittaa Tournamentissa miekkaillaan tänä vuonna sekä kalvan, että säilän Maailman Cup pisteistä.


Perinteisesti syksyllä Kupittaan Urheiluhallissa pidetty kansainvälinen miekkailukilpailu, Kupittaa Tournament pidetään tällä kaudella 18. – 19. maaliskuuta 2017. 

Hallin valtaavat viikonlopun ajaksi yli 200 miekkailijaa, jotka taistelevat naisten ja miesten sarjoissa kalvan ja säilän Maailman Cup pisteistä. 

Turun Miekkailjiat toivottava niin katsojat kuin talkooväen tervetulleeksi!



FIE Satellite Epée Men, individual (18.3.2017)
FIE Satellite Epée Ladies, individual (19.3.2017)
FIE Satellite Sabre Men, individual (19.3.2017)
FIE Satellite Sabre Ladies individual (19.3.2017)

Dear Friends,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the Kupittaa Tournament 2017 on behalf of the Finnish Fencing and Pentathlon Association, which will be held at city of Turku in Finland on 18. – 19.3.2017

Finnish Fencing and Pentathlon Association
Address: VALO-talo, Radiokatu 20, FI-00093 VALO, FINLAND
Phone: +358 50 336 2464 lena.tallroth-kock@fencing-pentathlon.fi

Turku Fencing Club TMÅF
Address: Savikatu 3 c 62 c/o Anttila, FI- 20540
Phone: +358 440 728 960 sjmanttila@gmail.com

Competition venue Kupittaa Sportshall, Kupittaankuja 1, Turku

Schedule of the Competition
Friday 17 Mar 2017 19h00 – 20h00 Equipment control

Saturday 18 Mar 2017

Epée Men, individual FIE satellite
8h00 – 9h15 Equipment control
8h30 Last entry
9h30 Start Epée Men
18h00 Final Epée Men (4 best fencers)

16h00-17h00 Equipment control for Epée Ladies, individual FIE Satellite

Sunday, 19 Mar 2017

Epée Ladies, individual FIE satellite
8h00 – 8h45 Equipment control
8h30 Last entry
9h00 Start Epée Ladies
Final Epée Ladies (4 best fencers)
Final starts immediately after direct elimination

Sabre Ladies and Men, individual
9h00 Last entry Men
9h30 Start FIE Satellite Sabre Men individual

13h00 Last entry Ladies
13h30 Start FIE Satellite Sabre Ladies individual

Participation is not limited

Open to all fencers with valid 2016-2017 FIE License.
No fencer is allowed to take part in an official event of the FIE unless he or she is at least 13 years old on 1 January in the year of the competition.
Entries of fencers can only be made at the FIE website, www.fie.org, respecting the deadlines specified in the FIE Rules (cf. o.54).

Entry fee
Individual competition: EUR 35
The entry fee is paid in cash at registration before the start of the competition.

Referee Obligation
As per FIE rules: 1-4 athletes: no referee, 5-9 athletes: one referee. 10- athletes: two referees.

The Satellite competitions shall use the F.I.E. formula for junior competitions (cf. o.35-o.41) except that:
1) If there is a pre-tournament in which all the participants to the satellite tournament take part, the composition of the round of pools of the satellite competition will be based on the results of this pre-tournament (the composition of the pre-tournament pools shall use the satellite rules).
2) The organizers shall have the right to organize additional bouts in order to establish the final classification for places 9 onwards.
In this case, the classification (9+) will be based on these additional bouts.

Accommodation and Transport
Kindly visit www.turkutouring.fi/en for accommodation and other touristic information.

Warm regards,

Tero Hakkarainen
tero@ipamark.fi, +358 41 5158 674
Turku Fencing Club President
